They are no longer on the radio, but I have the lyrics of quite a few Christmas songs still running around my head. "Good Kind Wenceslas looked out, on the Feast of Stephen, when the snow lay round about, deep and crisp and even! Brightly shown the moon that night, though the frost was cruel. When a poor man came in sight, gathering winter fu-oo-welllll!!!!" My Steve always loved that song because they sing his name. I didn't hear it once on the radio this year. I guess they didn't have time because they had to play Justin Beiber so many times.
But the one lyric that is sticking in my mind more than all the others today is the one that goes "And Mom and Dad can't wait for school to start again!" Isn't it the truth? See, I really enjoy my "me" time. That is the time of day when I'm alone except for sleeping people. When people are sleeping, it forces me to do nothing. When Cassie goes to school and Rob goes to work, I must then DO something. I usually putter a lot. That's when I start doing something, get distracted by something shiny and start something else, but I'm busy and by the end of the day I can indignantly rattle off a ton of things I did to anyone who asks to prove I'm worth my Stay at Home Mom salary. On weekdays, that time is usually between 7 and 7:30. After Rob leaves for work and before I have to pull Cassie out of bed, kicking and screaming, because only an unfit mother such as myself would make their daughter go to school. I say usually, because for some reason she has been up at 6am. This is bad because Rob really enjoys our "Us" time between 6 & 7 and when he sees/hears Cassie first thing in the morning it puts him into "Grumpy Gus" persona.
What does she do all day that she's in such a hurry for? Well, today she had a party. At first it was supposed to start at 9, but then they changed it to 8:30. She put on the princess dress I made her, popped a bag of popcorn, got some cookies and orange soda and was ready in time to greet her (imaginary) guests at the door, complete with air kisses to both cheeks. I know, 8:30am, but it was a party after all, AND we already have been over the fact I'm not winning Mother of the Year. Hell, I didn't care what she had, I was still working on getting my dose of coffee!! When I realized it was 10:30, I was completely appalled. Why? Not because I wasted some good "Me" time by cleaning my kitchen and doing laundry, but because the party was STILL going on, and I just realized I wasn't even invited!!!! Then after her friends left, she informed me she was getting married. So, she got married, had a kid, and then the arguments started. Not only between her and her husband, but also between my 2 dogs, Roscoe and Marley. I'm not sure who was worse, but I let her work our her marriage problems on her own, just like any good mother should, and I concentrated on the puppies. It seemed that Roscoe stole Marley's toy and wouldn't play nice. So I took the toy away from them both. At that moment, Marley was either ticked or was thinking I wanted to play too and jumped at the sock I took, landing on Roscoe's back. Roscoe doesn't like this, so he immediately put Marley on the ground. At which point Mommy lost all control, scaring both puppies and causing them to cuddle with each other on the couch. At this time, I declared it nap time. It was obvious that SOMEBODY was grumpy and needed a nap. The puppies can always use one too, so I got in a short one and I'm glad I did.
Remember how I said we need to find a place to move? Well, its not going well. I'm taking my Mom & Dad to see a place on Friday. I had hoped to have a few places lined up, but it doesn't look good. I really hope Fran approves of this place, and I hope the owner approves of our offer!! Until then, I'm stressed to my limit. Put with that Cassie and her 2,439 imaginary friends, the puppies, and Rob, and I no longer wonder I'm having problems sleeping!!! Its the "Revenge of the Frazzled Mom" coming to a theater near you... as soon as I run the screenplay. I hope they get Julia Roberts to play me, but I guess Rosanne Barr is probably a better candidate for the part....