Monday, April 30, 2012

Road Trip!!

This morning I had the opportunity to spend a little one on one time with Robert.  It doesn't happen very often, which we both know is not a good thing.  But this morning we needed to get him to his truck, which Todd, my "Little Brother", fixed for us this weekend.  Let me tell you about Todd.  He is actually my step-brother, or would be if NY had a common-law marriage.  He is a real big guy and I think he could easily kick Pitman's ass.  And that is saying a LOT.  You'd understand if you know my husband!  But Todd is a teddy bear, and what any girl would like to have for a brother.  He is a lot like Les, in that I don't think I would have survived growing up with both of them in the same house without developing paranoid schizophrenia and a permanent tick.  But just like Les, he'd give you the shirt off his back if you needed it.  But he'd probably do something to it first that everyone would laugh about for years after he gave it to you!!  Since we've moved up to Central New York he's also become our mechanic.  Since he lives near my Mom, I have to stop by to see her each time we go over there.  Todd says if we don't, we'll be put on the list.  He's a little afraid since I didn't stop and see the folks when we were down Friday night.
I said it was a

Anyway's, Robert and I brought Cassie to school and headed for breakfast.  We decided to go to Flo's Diner, Home of the 10cent Coffee.  It was pretty decent food.  Mom says the coffee sucks, but I enjoyed it, but since I only had 1 cup before I left the house, I was too desperate to be picky.  Pitman and I sat across the booth and stared into each other's eyes, and....... realized we had nothing to talk about.  I told him this was kind of sad and that since I didn't want to talk about sports, the weather, Cassie or autism, there was nothing to talk about.  So we stared into each others eyes some more and I lovingly said, "I did hear something about pink slime in meat....", he said he heard it was human remains.  I changed the subject.  As we went to leave, I saw there was a huge chicken.  I decided I wanted to remember this special day, and asked Pitman to take a picture of me with the big chicken.  We then continued on to Todd's house, got his truck and loaded it up with his stuff so he could head to the Lake House to spend the week trying to kill some turkeys.  As we were saying our good bye's, he said to me what all women desire to hear from the man in their lives.  "I'm gonna have to go to your mom's to poop, breakfast hit bottom".

I'm really thinking that maybe Robert & I need to take "Putting some Romance in your Marriage" classes.  We are both at a loss when it comes to that subject.  We can't blame only Pitman for this.  After all, I'm the one who got excited when I saw the Big Chicken!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

ADM Spring Dinner

In case you didn't know, I am a Brother in a Fraternity.  No, I'm NOT a Sister, I am a Brother, and I have a ton of other Brother's, too....  a lot of them female.  I pledged Alpha Delta Mu in the spring of 1986.  Best decision of my life.  Many of the people I write about, hang out with, and love are part of this same Fraternal Organization.  As a matter of fact, when I married, I married my Brother.  We always laugh and say "Incest is Best".  We are a crude bunch, but I love them and I've always been able to be myself with them.  We offically get together three times a year.  This weekend is one of them.  It is our Spring Weekend.

My day started with taking Rob to the Annual Golf Tourney, so I could have the car for more important things.. like shopping with another Brother, who is staying with us for the weekend.  She brought Marley's new BFF, Gil.  Roscoe isn't happy that his little brother has a new BFF, but he's dealing.  So, Soo and I went shopping and bought new dresses.  We looked amazing!!
Me, looking all sorts
of amazing!

But before we could dress up, we had to decorate the firehouse.  We had some black and red (our colors) and white plastic table cloths, some "Crap Paper" as another friend and Brother, Laurie, likes to call it.  Oh, also a bolt of molting tulle and assorted colorful flowers.  We did the best we could.  The best was the centerpieces that Laurie made with these disgusting growing gel things, water, and candles.  That woman is amazing, but if I never touch another of those little gel balls, it'll be too soon.

After the dinner, we had our meeting, and we nominated officers for next year.  Once again I was nominated for Secretary.  I lost that election last year, and I'm thinking about withdrawing because I hate losing.  Especially an election, because that means people don't like me.  But I'm GOOD at that post!!  I have experience!! I have PAID experience!!!  And I'm good.  If only people would give me a chance to show how good I am at it.  I amaze myself.  Pitman was nominated for Vice President.  I'm expecting him to get all anxious and withdraw.  He shouldn't.  He doesn't give himself enough credit!  I nominated Soo for president.  I think she'd be amazing and I hope the other brother's give her a chance.  Her ex-husband was president for a while....  we all know that she ended up doing a lot of his work, so she has experience.

We wrapped up the night by going to my friends (and Brother's) the Bibik's house for a rousing game of Sour Apples to Apples, where I kicked butt and won!!!!!  Today we have the Spring Picnic.  I'm making my Awesome Cole Slaw.  It will be amazing as always!!  I also plan on reading up on synonyms for the word "Amazing", so I stop using it so much.  Its getting a bit redundant in my life!

Friday, April 27, 2012

It's Not Always a Riot

There are times I need to be serious.  There are times when I need to blow off steam.  There are times I just need to scream.  Usually I just take a nap, but since I already had one today, I'll just fill you in on a decision I have made.  I have decided to homeschool Cassie.  I've been toying with it for many years.  "They" say I shouldn't.  Pitman feels I can't handle it.  Many people in my life feel this is a bad decision.  I'm sorry.  I feel its the only way.

I worked in a high school, and I saw what happens there.  I'm watched what public schools did to my two eldest, especially my lovely LeeAnne.  I'm now watching what its doing to my little Cassie.  People say "But what about the socialization?"  I'm thinking I don't really WANT her socializing with those she goes to school with.  In Liverpool it was a bunch of over-dramatic spoiled little Kardashian-wanna-bes.  Here I find out my little girl is starting to curse like a sailor and has plans on becoming a "Bad-Girl" just so she'll fit in.  

Instead of complaining without being able to offer a suggestion to fix it, I've decided just to do it myself.  Yeah, she may not spend a Friday Afternoon watching "Smurfs, The Movie", but is that such a bad thing?  I'm not really a Smurf Fan, anyways!  I'm actually getting excited.  I LOVED teaching my students when I was in Rondout!  There was nothing better than getting the lightbulb over their head when they understood what I was saying.  Also, while teaching Cassie I'll be learning, too!!  That means I'll be able to answer even MORE Jeopardy questions than before!!!  It will also make me more useful on the Trivia Dream Team I'm putting together to compete at local bars!!!  Oh, and I'm sure I'll be able to blog more, because I get most of my material from my dealings with Cassie and Robert, anyways!!!

Yes, I think this is the best all-around decision I've made in a while.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Change Sucks

Wow, I come onto to write another over due entry about my life.  I'm really not sure what I'll write about.  Maybe it would be Marley making friends with the Cop who lives 2 doors down, to the point where Marley ran away to go live with the Cop and his sweet dog.  Oh, don't worry (dripping with sarcasm), the Cop brought him home.  I'm certain that if anyone intentionally took that dog, they'd return him!!  Or I could write more about Cassie and bring you all down with the latest problem in the "Adolescence and Autism in the Syracuse School District" saga.  Then there is always some good material if we add Pitman into the mix.  But truth is, I got nothing.  Or well HAD nothing, until I got to

They changed the format.  It took me a while to figure out what I was doing when I first started here.  Once I figured it out, they change it.  Now I'm not sure whats going on.  So I have to decide if I want to clean my house and do other SAHM stuff, or sit here and try to figure it out.   First the thermostat my Dad installed on my wall, then Facebook and their stupid timeline, and now this.  I'm not sure how much more I can take!!!

Now, some change is good, like when Pitman trims his nose hairs.  Some change is bad, like when I accidently died my hair pink.  But some change is just stupid.  Think about it.  They paid a bunch of people to change a program that people liked just the way it was.  Well, at least they are employed.  I think I found the silver lining to this dilemma!!!  Accept the Facebook Timeline and this "new look" for with OPEN ARMS!!!  They are keeping people employed!!!  Ok, its lame.  As is this blog.  Well, I completely lose witty when faced with "GOOD MORNING!!!  WELCOME TO SOMETHING NEW!!!"  I hate new.  If I LIKED new, I wouldn't be sitting here in jammie pants I've had for 4 years and a flannel shirt I stole from Robert 7 years ago, now would I?

Monday, April 23, 2012

Performance Anxiety

Happy Monday!  What makes it happy?  nothing.  But I'm trying, so work with me here!  Have you noticed I'm not blogging as much as you'd like?  There is a good reason for that.  See, I feel like an old man about to jump into bed with a 20-something.  What if what I write flops?  I've tried a few times, and am told "Well, that wasn't your best blog...."  Well, they can't ALL be the best, right?  So I guess if I fail at pleasing my public, y'all have to deal, because I can't give you back the 5 minutes you spent reading me.

This is NOT at my house.  We didn't get THAT much!
Thanks, Soo, for the use of your picture.
This is in the Rochester area.
I woke up to snow this morning.  Needless to say, I'm not happy.  I know, I know...  "Well, you live in CNY now..."  Well, so do a LOT of other people, and I haven't seen anyone happy about it this morning.    Except for maybe Robert, because his first comment (after "its boot time", which is Pitman-ese for "Get your butt out of bed, Woman.")  was "You don't want to look outside".  He sounded a BIT to chipper, and seemed to enjoy my pain a bit too much.  So, when it was time to walk the dogs, he opened the door, looked out, and said "You aren't going to want to leave the porch."  To which I affirmed his statement with "I'm strangely ok with that" and watched him lead Marley off to potty.  This was actually almost enjoyable.  I saw, for the first time, proof that Marley takes 4 steps to match Rob's foot print.  On the left we had "tetetetetetetetetetete" and on the right we had "BOOM--------- BOOM----------BOOM".  I couldn't help but giggle, especially when I heard, out of the dark of night, "Good boy!  Good peepee!!  Can I get a poo poo too?"

On Monday's I generally like to clean up the house a bit and relax from having everyone around me all weekend.  I realized today, however, I need to really clean the bathrooms.  So, I will man my mask, gloves, & bleach and see about making them shine.  In the mean time, can someone tell me why my toilets collect so much HAIR?!?!?  This is the one thing about the bathroom that really baffles me.  Robert is the only one who brushes his hair in the bathroom, and he is bald!!  No matter how much hair he "feels" up there, there is none. And definitely not enough to coat my toilet!  And NOBODY brushes their hair in the down stairs bathroom, but that toilet is in the same shape.  I just don't get it.  We could blame the dogs, but Marley can't reach the toilet, which is why he poops on the floor in FRONT of it.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Why I Hate Cooking

There are many reasons why I hate cooking.  To start off, we can blame my mother.  See, a long time ago she made a disgusting concoction she called "Spam Burgers".  If the fact she tried to kill us wasn't enough, she told everyone I made them.  Its the family's standing joke, as is my cooking.  See, I did NOT make the spam burgers, and I would NOT have, because there is more than one step to them, and cooking fat, ground meat is difficult.  Granted, I'm not as bad as my sister asking my mom how to cook a can of corn, but I'm fairly useless in the kitchen.  There are some things I can make, and Rob likes most of it, but I'm definitely challenged in the kitchen.  But there is so much more involved in preparing a meal than most non-meal providers realize.  And they all add up to why I hate cooking.

You start with a piece of paper.  On this piece of paper you figure out what you need to buy for the household.  Both food and other items.  You need to have ESP to read the minds of the other family members to do this successfully.  And you never get it right.  When they get home and realized you shopped, at least one will say "But I needed......".  And you will remind them "Well, it wasn't on the list", but it will still be YOUR fault, because that's just the way it is.  Then you take your magical list to the grocery store, try to figure out how to get all the items on a very small budget.  But it doesn't matter, you wont get it right.  If you went through a pound of deli turkey in 3 days last week, this week you'll end up throwing away 3/4 of a pound.  Then you wait in line to pay for it, all the while you are surrounded by chocolate and magazine covers that do NOT look like you.  And even if you don't cave in to the calories of the chocolate, you still gain 5 pounds in the check out because the airbrushed women on the cover's of the magazines willed it to be.  And beautiful, thin women ALWAYS get what they want.

Then you get it home and put it away.  While you are putting it away you realize you, yourself, forgot to put 3 things on the list, so you start next weeks list with the "seed" items.  Then comes the real night mare.  Figuring out how to make all the stuff you just bought magically bloom into healthy meals that your family will delight in eating.  And because it is all carefully made with love, it will both feed their body's and their souls, right?

Not in THIS family!!!  It starts at 5:30am before I have my coffee.. "So, what are you planning for dinner?", Pitman nicely asks.  If he could even understand my answer, which is a violent threat about where I'm PLANNING on SHOVING his dinner, he would forget and ask me 78 more times through out the day.  But I get about an hour break before Cassie asks.  "Something with Chicken" I will tell her, and her response is "AAAAARRRRRRR!!!!!!  I HATE  CHICKEN!!!  I'M NOT EATING IT!!!  I'M NOT EATING DINNER EVER AGAIN!!!!!"  And we have that same exact conversation a few more times before the dinner hour.

Then there is the actual preparing of the meal.  I have no idea, but every time I go to cook the fire alarm in the house goes off.  Rob started cooking the meal on Wednesday, I stirred it, and the alarm went off.  Oh, and I've mentioned this before but I want to remind you of the woman who hides upstairs until I start to cook.  So last night I'm frying up some Raviolis (which, in case you are wondering, Cassie screamed "AAAARRRRRRRRr!!!!!  I HATE RAVIOLIS!!!!  I'M NEVER EATING DINER EVER AGAIN!!!!!") and the alarm goes off.  If that awful beeping isn't enough, this time I have Marley running around the house, barking, looking for the lady hiding upstairs telling him to get out of the house because there is a fire.  This all excites Cassie who starts chasing after him, barking and laughing.  But, eventually its time for dinner.

She then sits down, after telling me 394 times she is NOT coming to dinner and me calmly giving her the count down until dinner time, and says grace.  "Dear Lord, thank you for this meal and thank you for this day", but in reality it comes out sounding like "Lord, you suck and I cant believe I have to sit here and eat this crap."  Then Rob says to the Lord, "Thank You for this meal.  I hope it tastes as good as it smells."  I take this as "Please Lord, let me live through another day of her cooking".  Which brings me back to the beginning of my day and Pitman's first question, and I just feel like telling him to bend over to see where I'm serving HIS dinner tonight.

And THIS is why I hate cooking.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Oh, That Pitman.....

I had all intentions of writing a glowing blog on how great Robert is and how you all should feel sorry for him.  See, he tries, really hard.  But he has so much going against him.  No, its not his Autism, like you'd think.  See, Pitman has the joy of living with 2 women.  One is just entering womanhood and all of the joys that come with budding female hormones.  Very difficult for any man.  But Pitman has it worse.  He also has a woman at the end of her womanhood, entering Menopause and entering Crone-hood.  And all the joys that come with that.  The poor man doesn't know if he's coming or going most days, but he still sticks it out.  Maybe he's actually lucky to be Autistic at this point and time.  Chances are he won't truly notice the immense hatred we feel for him... followed by the sheer joy of his existence.  Oh, he can't escape it all, so I was planning to ask you all for your pity of Robert.  Until we were cleaning up from dinner.

See, I had to see a Diabetes Specialist today, because I have uncontrolled diabetes due to the fact that I've been in denial since I got my diagnosis in, I think, 2003.  I would tell you how many years ago, but that would be math, and I'm boycotting math.  ANYWAYS, I go in there and my specialist, Jean Kelley (if it was spelled with a G, I'd be more excited) starts to explain some things to me.  She stated I needed to start taking an asprin a day in order to thin my blood enough to *hopefully* keep me from having a heart attack or stroke.  This wasn't bad enough.  She also said I was middle-aged.  She said this 4 times.  I counted.  ME??!?!?  MIDDLE-AGED?!?!?!?!?  This can't be right.  My MOTHER is middle aged!!!  Not me!!  But she said I was, 4 times.  4.

I was telling Pitman about this.  I don't know why.  I should know better.  Especially after I informed him I found it offensive and asked him "wouldn't you feel the same way?"  Bless his little heart... he thought about the answer to that one.  Then the idiot gave his response of "Well, not if its true."  The bastard thinks I'm middle-aged too!!!!

So, no pity is allowed for Pitman.  He deserves everything he gets from the lovely women in his life.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Super Laundry Mom's Mission to Save the World!!

I used to say that I didn't have a lot of friends.  That's just my poor self-esteem talking.  I decided to sit down and think about what a friend really is, and I realized I have a lot of friends.  Its funny, but there are many I haven't actually met face to face, but I still consider them my friends.  They come to me for help, and that means a lot.  I know how difficult it is to ask for help, but its nice to know there are people you can count on when you are in a bind.  Oh, and if you don't ask for help often, you get to use the sentence "You know how I never ask for help?" and then your buddy now has an obligation.    I like to help people.  I'm a people helper.  Some people would say I was a people pleaser, and Joyce Meyer (awesome Christian Minister and Author) has a book to help me.  But I'm in denial and do not want help.  I see no problem with what I do.

I have a bunch of friends in different situations, and I've really tried to help.  I see them as a run-away train headed toward a tall, tall bridge, with a broken track.  I can picture whats going to happen, and the sight isn't pretty.  I don't know WHEN its going to happen.  I might be able to figure it out, but that would be math, and we all know how I feel about math....  So, my mother spoke sharply at me in an "instant message" saying that I can't save the world.

Lets talk about how much I love, respect, and admire my Mom.  She took care of 2 kids on 39 cents a week after expenses, while my Dad was in Antarctica.  Sure, I didn't get ice cream nightly, but I also didn't realize the awesome feat she managed.  My Mom took the time to instill important life lessons that have really helped mold who her children are today.  Messages like "Nice people do NOT throw knives at posters of rubber chickens!!" is probably the one lesson that nobody in our family will forget.  But she can't always be right, right?  I mean, after all, she also said "Lisa, not everybody is going to like you".  This just doesn't not make sense to me.  After all, I'm a freakin' SWEETHEART!!  Why would there be anyone out there who DOESN'T LIKE ME?!?!!!??!?  So, when she stated, oh so sharply, in her instant message "Lisa, you can't save the world", I can't help but wonder if she's wrong again.

After all, I am Super Laundry Mom!!!  I can do ANYTHING!!!  Right?  Ok, so maybe not right.  I can make this promise, though, that even though I may warn you about the broken train track on the Mount Everest of bridges, and you ignore me, I will still be there when the inevitable happens.  I wont know what to do but be there, but be there I will.  And I will bring a casserole.  Casserole and some cuppy cakes.  Casseroles and Cuppy Cakes make everything better, right?

Monday, April 16, 2012

Whew! That was a LONG Week!

Cassie went back to school today.  Thank God.  I remember when I was growing up, Spring Break lasted, what?  Fifteen, twenty minutes, tops?  Now-a-days, Spring Break lasts around a year and a half.  Summer Vacation is even worse.  I have decided that Cassie is going to summer camp.  I hope to get her signed up this week.  I love my daughter immensely, I just can't stand so much bonding time.  As a matter of fact, I'm starting to wonder if they ever really cut the umbilical cord.  Tonight is an Autism Support Group Meeting.  The same one I tried to go to last month.  Cassie is ready for it.  We've been practicing.  So, this morning she tells me that yes, she remembers, and she knows I'm going, and hopes I have a "World of Fun.... NOT!!!!"  She wasn't being her bitchy PMSing self, she was being my sweet, calm Cassie.  So I asked her why and she informs me "If you do not have fun, you will not want to go back, and we can stop this nonsense."  Wow.  That's one way to think of things, huh?  But I'm going.. if I don't melt first.  

It's hot.  There are certain things I cannot be expected to do when there is this kind of heat.  One of them is house work.  Not happening.  If I stand up and start to sweat, I'm sitting back down.  In front of the fan.  Another one is cook.  If Pitman wants to grill the pork chops I took out of the freezer, that's fine.  I have raw green beans we can eat with them.  If not, I'd rather he go get me an antipasto salad.  Why?  Because when its THIS hot out, that's all I want to eat.  And it has to be an antipasto salad.  Why?  Because I'm just like that.  Oh, and when I say its hot, I mean its hot.  Its so hot that I couldn't even take a nap!!  I'm so glad we decided to get the central air conditioning in the house.  That way I can clean and cook and make myself useful around here.  The third?  Well, there was a reason why a window AC unit has been in every house we've lived in until now.  But the central air will take care of that, too.  

So, I will leave you with my most recent recycling victory.    What do you get when you cross a nasty old lampshade on its way to the garbage, and some left over material?  

nasty old lampshade
left over material
A NEW CLOTHES PIN HANGER!!!  You know, one of those bags that hold your clothes pins when you hang laundry!!  Isn't it beautiful?

I'm hanging my laundry in STYLE!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Even Super Heroes Screw Up Sometimes...

I am the Super Laundry Mom!!!!  I have my ever-present sidekick, Nummy-Num Girl by my side!!  I Somethings have changed since we found out about our Super Hero Abilities.  For one, Cassie aged 8 years, grew at least 20' and now says exactly which nummy-num she would like.  The fact she wants to eat all the time, that she loves pretty dresses, and sparklies are an intricate part of our lives are just some things that have not changed.

My LeeAnne put it perfectly one Christmas, while I was wrapping presents in really sparkly paper.  "Mom, did you know Glitter is known as the Herpes of the Craft World?"  Damn, LeeAnne, not only is that deep and true, but its one of the funniest things I've ever heard in my life!!!  And we have proof of this... all over every house we've ever lived in.  Heck, I'm sure we've left evidence in every house we ever visited!  And now, thanks to my Laundry Faux Pas, we will be spreading this shiny disease across Central New York!!!

See, Nummy-Num Girl needed to extend a dress for a (imaginary) part she was attending.  So we grabbed some sparkly fabric (is there really any other kind?) and she sewed on an extension.  Ok, so the dress is a pink and maroon stripped Crew-shirt type dress and the sparkly material is a baby blue, but she was the hit of her party!!!!  So, as all good Super Laundry Mom's do, I wash the dress.  I chose to put it in the "brights" load.  You know what else goes in the brights load?  Robert's bright red Verizon work shirts and his favorite shirt to wear under his karate gee.  I think you can guess where this is headed.

So, starting tomorrow, when you see Pitman, please do not laugh.  Just pretend its his stunning personality that is blinding you, and not the many sparklies that is now adorning his shirts as he goes out to spread love, peace, goodwill, telephone service and glitter throughout Central New York!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter at The Pitman's!

Marley, The Easter Dachshund!!
As you ALL know, we've recently moved into the cutest Cape Cod in the world.  And today is Easter Sunday.  Now, I consider myself a Christian, and if you want to see me cry, give me a few moments to think of what happened on Good Friday to my Savior.  I get choked up just thinking about it.  (just one of those things you probably didn't know about me.)  If I ever decided to become an actress, and I needed to cry on command, with real tears, the story of the Crucifiction will do it faster than Walt Disney's Dumbo or Old Yeller.  Which is a good thing, I believe, because I really try to be a good Christian.  With all that being said, I also believe God has a good sense of humor, and if I can laugh at inappropriate things like all those idiots on America's Funniest Home Videos, than it can't be too wrong to laugh at really funny things, even if they are laughing at God.  Darn it, if God didn't like us to laugh, he wouldn't have given us Home Permanents or Big Bang Theory.  So, I laughed real hard at a few posts put up on this, the most holiest of Christian Holidays.  The first one being "So in honor of the holiday I will refrain from killing zombies. Ya know, just in case."  hehehehe  Then there is one I'm certain I will burn in hell for laughing so hard at:  "Today is the day that Jesus made a bunny that lays chocolate creme filled eggs. He also came up with the idea to mix peanut butter and chocolate. That guy sure is smart...Happy Easter".

Today we hosted the first family Holiday Dinner at our new home.  LeeAnne came in (in the middle of the night) for the main reason of "I haven't missed and Easter Egg Hunt yet, and I'm not about to start now!"  We were joined by both sets of parents.  What that means is that my "Dammed In-Laws" were in attendance, as were Rob's.  I'm very jealous of those people who love their in-laws and want to spend every spare moment with them.  I'm not one of those people, but I'm glad Rob is.  But Rob had his moments.  It was another one of those days where his Autism Diagnosis saved his life.  It happens a lot around here.  First off, he didn't want to get out of bed to hunt for eggs.  So, I thought to myself, "He woke up at 1:45 a-the-freakin-m to go to the Syracuse Bus Station, to wait an hour to bring you your baby girl!!  If you want to push it, he will get up, but he will be Mr. Grumpy Pants.  Which do you want?"  So, because lack of sleep makes it harder for those on the Spectrum, I chose to let him go.  He got up on his own, with plenty of time, and all was as happy as we could be under such circumstances.  But, the biggest thing came later, as I had gotten everything cooking and tried to jump in the shower before the "Damned In-Laws" showed up.  Please remember that things "Nero-Typical" (normal) just seem to know, usually have to be TAUGHT to those with Autism.

I must admit I forget this quite often.  Like the uncomfortable position I was put in today.  I have to admit I was thinking very colorful language that would have made a Sailor blush, as I sat naked on my toilet waiting for the damn parade to be over.  All this because I never thought to tell Robert that when people (his parents) come to our house for the first time, and I happen to be in the shower, it is perfectly ok to NOT give them the tour of the upstairs (where I am naked and in the shower) until I come down. I calmly brought this to his attention shortly after the tour group went away and I was able to get to my room and get dressed.  He tried to tell me he did it because they asked for the tour.  I made him promise that next time someone asks to be on the same floor where I am naked, that he'll say (and I made him repeat it to me), "Well, Lisa's in the shower, so we'll tour that area when she comes down. Can I get you something to drink while we wait?"  I certainly hope he learns this lesson a lot faster than the "We do not break wind in polite company" rule!!!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Everything Old is New Again!

From the beginning of time, people have always taken what is old and re-purposed them for further use.  This is an art form that was forgotten by current generations, but it re-surging once more.  But now they call it "Going Green".  It is a way of life that was instilled in me years ago.  I find it fun and challenging, and I jump at the chance to do it.  My favorite part in the "Sound of Music" is when she makes play clothes for the children out of old curtains.  Same for Scarlett and her new grand gown!!  This is an awesome outlook to have when you have an Autisic child who tends to get attached to items that are no longer needed.  Case in point:  When we lived in the rental in Liverpool, Cassie had her own bathroom that we decorated in polka dots.  She loved it.  It was cute.

When we were to move, though, we only had one bathroom, and I didn't want polka-dots.  She was upset until I told her I'd make her curtains for her new room using the shower curtain.  Wait!  Can you DO THAT? Hey, you need to learn that you can do anything you want to!!  Rules are for wusses!!!  I had originally planned to make curtains out of a sheet I had bought that matched her comforter.  So, I figured I'd put the sheet and the shower curtain together, and TA-DA!!!!!  We have CURTAINS!!!!

And she loved it.  But, polka dots and a striped bedspread?  Does it work?  I ask you, does it REALLY matter?  Seriously, if YOU like it, thats all that matters, right?  I like it, Cassie likes it, and I want to start a "But I  Like It" movement, and I'm starting with my house!!!  Oh, and what you dont see in this next picture is the fact that her top sheet is sewn to her bottom sheet.... kind of what you have with a waterbed.  Why do I have to sew her top sheet to her bottom sheet?  We found out that one of her sleeping problems was due to the fact she worried that her top sheet would come un-tucked in the night.  If you find that silly, you are probably not an OCD Autistic person with high anxiety levels.  But, as I always do, I fixed what I could, and it has really helped her!!  So, just remember.  Surround yourself with things you love, reinvent things you have, and for crying out loud, don't settle for the "But THEY say..." mentality!!!  If THEY were so great, they'd have real names!!  Who are THEY and how do THEY know what is best for you?

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

We Finally Did It

Since moving into the Cutest Cape in the World, we've been waiting for this moment.  The simple chance to do it.  And we finally got it yesterday.  It was a small window of opportunity, but Cassie was occupied and all the conditions were perfect.  It wasn't planned, it was a spur of the moment thing, and that made it even more tantalizing.  Unfortunately, or fortunately, we didn't get any pictures, but I'm sure you can visualize most of it.

Being the good wife I am, I let Rob go first.  I kept myself occupied, because I might have let him start, but that doesn't mean I wanted to watch.  Being the good husband he is, though, he didn't take too long so I was able to jump on.  Yeah, it took me a while longer, but I enjoyed EVERY MINUTE of it!!!  I forgot how much I enjoyed this activity.  It had been so long since I was able to feel the complete joy and relaxation of having it done right.  And afterwards, the glow lasted all night.  I was able to relive the moments over and over in my mind.  <sigh>  I was the picture of contentment.  I think Pitman didn't enjoy it as much as I did, though.  He did end up doing a bit more work, and he was grumpy afterwards.  But it was so worth it.

The new lawn tractor is amazing.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday's Musings

I have a lot of things going through my mind this morning.  Each one could probably be its own blog, but I've promised myself I'd only blog once per day.  So I'll mush them all together as shortly as possible.  You are welcome.

First off, Porkapaloosa is an awesome way to spend an evening.  Unless you are easily embarrassed hanging around discussing eating your friend's pork and sweet white cream.  Enough said.

Second, I have 2 acres of property and no place to put the camper/trailer.  Pitman put it on our future patio, which now looks a LOT smaller with all my patio furniture and an old, torn up pop-up camper on it.

Third, I'm excited to announce I live near a crack house and know this because as I drove by, I saw a transaction between a guy in a hoodie and another man through a popped out pane in his glass door.  hehehehe.

Fourth I need to write a blog on hypocrisy and weight loss.

The fifth and final (because I need to get in the shower and wake up Cassie) is an update on a previous post.  The coat hooks are done and up!  And, yes, they look amazing!!  What do you think?

My entry hall...  well, the top part at least.
Not an easy place to try to take a full picture.