So, recently I was having a problem with the dogs taking my covers while I was sleeping. We have a king sized bed, and the bedding barely hung over the sides, and they'd steal my covers. So, after months of brain storming, I told my mother my idea. "I'm going to take 2 twins of everything, and sew them together and make new bedding." Mom made a fatal error. "You can't do that, it won't work". Oh, really?
So, I dropped it. I learned a LONG time ago, there is no arguing with my mother. So, I did what I always have done in the past, and just did it anyways. Rob was watching me every step of the way, trying to figure out what was going on in my mind. Oh, I was a good girl. I picked up a bright salmon (a pinky-orange for you guys who don't know your colors) sheet on clearance and said "I LOVE THIS!!! We are going to use this in our new bedding, ok?" I don't know what he said... but I did ask him. Every time I put something together, he'd have this look that said "EWW!! This is gonna suck, but if I say I don't like it, it will just get worse."
So, I took this:
And made THIS:
The comforter hangs off the edge a good foot or more, and last night I had blankets ALL NIGHT LONG!!!
Me: 1, Puppies ZERO!!!!
Oh, and sorry, Mom. But I love you very, VERY much!!!! If it weren't for the strong woman you are, I would never have the guts to be the strong woman I am.