Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Bullies! Bullies every where!!!

Yes, today we'll discuss a very hot & current topic.  Bullies.  A bully, by my definition, is someone who hurts others in order to amuse themselves and make themselves feel good.  You've done it, admit it.  We are all guilty, of at least on one occasion, of being a bully.  The problem arises when you are CONSTANTLY a bully.

OOPS!!  Quick side story, I recently "retired" from my job as a Teaching Assistant.  I worked specifically with the Special Education Department and most enjoyed my time with the Autistic students.  My last Student, who I will call "Kay" because of HIPPA laws & crap, became slightly obsessed with bullying.  Her take on the stituation?  She WANTED to be a bully.  Yeah, she may not be the highest functioning student by ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) standards, but she was one of the brightest.  Why did she want to be a bully?  Because being a bully was a better option in life than being bullied.  Yes, I continued to try to teach her that there was a "somewhere in between", but she didn't believe me.

So, back to my original reason for today's topic.  I am the victim of a bully.  I know.  Its hard to believe.  But it happens.  Everyone in my household is a victim of the same bully.  The scarey thing is that this bully appears to sweet and innocent, that the fact we were being bullied just snuck up on us.  Honestly, does this LOOK like a bully?

Well, he is.  His name is Marley and he's a 9 month old long haired miniature dachshund.  And he is a bully.  I laughed when he forced our huge Dobie/Black Lab mix, Roscoe, to play with him on whim.  I laughed when he stole stuffed animals from Cassie's room.  I even laughed when he wrapped Pitman around his little finger in a way nobody else has been able to.  I stopped laughing yesterday. 

I am the Alpha in this family.  It is a position I relish.  But this little whippersnapper is trying to take that away.  So, I do all the pack things like speaking sharply, putting him on his back, biting him....  he laughs and says "Finally, a worthy opponent".  Who ever said the way to win over a bully is by standing up to them never met Marley.  I was doing fine until the final straw.  I enjoy blogging.  Bullies must stop those from enjoying.  How to stop a blogger?

My attacking their hands as they try to type.  I'm mean actual attacking!!!  Jump up, land on keyboard, take mouth with sharp little teeth, and RIP IT APART!!!!!

"HEY!!!  OUCH!!!!  That HURT!!!!" 

lick lick "What?  I did NOTHING!!!  See how CUTE I am as I kiss your hand? " 

Resume typing and POUNCE!!!!  Repeat, repeat, repeat.  <sigh>

And I thought that him making me get up at 4:30am, yes, A-M!!!!, was cruel.  I'm thinking I need to find a new way of beating the bully, because nobody is THAT cute.... except maybe Marley.

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