Yes, it has been a while. But its been a very revealing time here at the OK Corral. So, lets go through this quickly and as painlessly as possible. Its confession time!!!
1. I had to give up on my quest to become a marathon runner for the time being. My body just wasn't able to do it, and when you have anxiety attacks when doing something, it may be time to back up and re-think. There is something wrong when a person is trying to push them selves past what feels a LOT like a heart attack. So please do not think badly of me, and if you do, I guess thats an "oh well" on both our parts.
2. My dear husband, who will do anything for me, abided by my request to go through Autism Testing. (The conversation went a lot like "You are a self-centered bastard. You need to get tested, because if there is a REASON you are a self-centered bastard, we might be able to work on it. But if there isn't, you are out of here 'cause I cant take any more." Yes, people, I'm THAT mean to Pitman on a regular basis and that is one reason why you always need to know both sides of the story). Well, after a few appointments it has been confirmed that Robert is, indeed, on the Autism Spectrum.
3. Even though I've suspected it, just like when I got the official diagnoses on Cassie, it was still a kick in the stomach. Robert is also just coming to terms with it, and things around here have been amazing. We are remaining in counseling and finding out how to bring about our marriage in this new light. Its possible, but it wont be easy. Cynthia believes we are an amazing couple and that we will definitely make it.
4. Robert will be spending Thanksgiving with his parents and staying the rest of the weekend with hunting buddies. No, I am NOT upset with this. I'm a little sad, yes, but its all for the best. I will be going to my mothers and seeing my older children. I might even have Steve & Dani with me for part of the weekend!!!! This is NOT an instance of Rob being an asshole. Trust me, the world would know if it was that.
In closing, I will ask that you not judge our marriage or the decisions we make as a couple. He is ASD, I am NT (NeuroTypical) and we are raising an ASD child. There is absolutely NOTHING in our lives that can be considered "Normal". Besides, as my Mom says a lot, "Can you define normal?" Some of our decisions will make me happy, and some will not. If I bitch, which I will, please know that I'm just letting off steam. Just know we are very happy to know what it is we are facing and battling, and we know we are blessed to have that much going for us. And I promise I'll go back to writing more regularly and that it will be more humorous than this one. But sometimes life is serious and Steve once told me that I don't have to laugh at everything, because seeing barbed-wire fencing around a car dealership while lost in Newark, is NOT FUNNY!!!
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