Sunday, March 30, 2014

I Am THE Liaison.

Most of my day to day life entails be being the "Go Between" or the Translator between Cassie and Rob, between Cassie and the world, between Rob and the world, between Marley and Spetch, between Marley and Roscoe, etc.  I have decided I liked the ring of Liaison instead.  It has a very professional sounding ring to it, don't you think?  I like it better than referee, even though I do break up a LOT of fights.  This is the one area of my job that is my least favorite.  I love hanging with Cassie, and I love hanging with Rob, but if I have to hang with both at the same time, I'd rather hang myself.  Until yesterday.

Cassie, Rob & the "Gator Boys"!
As Rob was getting ready to come home from Manhattan, I saw a TV advertisement for the Big East Camper and Outdoor Sportsman Show.  WOW!!!  I LOVE camping and the outdoors!  So does Rob!!  AND there would be hunting and fishing and other stuff Robert loves!!!  And then there is Cassie.  Well, you've all heard me talk about Cassie's "Special Interest" revolving around Disney Teen and other Teen dramas, but she is also very into "The Gator Boys".  The Gator Boys are a group of people in the Everglades of Florida who do alligator rescue, education and wrestling.  You can watch them on Animal Planet, and its a very family friendly show.  Cassie really loves it when Ashley (Rob's favorite) and Sarah (the girlfriend of Jimmy Riffle, one of the leads) get to work with the "gators".  Where is this going?  They were AT the Big East Camper and Outdoor Sportsman Show at the Turning Stone Casino!!!!  We got to meet Jimmy, his brother Andy, the young kid Scott, Rich, and Curtis, who is from the Mississippi Gulf Coast Gators!  After hearing they were going to be there, Cassie was very on board with us having a FAMILY OUTING!!!  Oh, and if the guys weren't a big enough draw for her, Sarah was selling t-shirts at their merchandising table!! 
Cassie & Sarah

I probably, if I really racked my brains, MIGHT be able to come up with a handful of times that Robert and Cassie were both happy doing the same exact thing.  Amusement Parks, Disney Vacations, the idea of going to California to meet Rob's sister Sandy & her family, go playing mini-golf, etc.  It is a very rare occurrence, though, that I can spend the day and not have to bargain with at least one of them at all times.  It was a vacation for me!!  I'm not sure they understand that the one way to make me happy is for THEM to be happy at the same time!  Why?  Just because for a few hours, at least, my life is made easy.  It was a magical day. 

Oh, and I even saw a "Porkapine" for the first time ever!!!  I didn't realize how BIG they were!!!!  Yes, it was an amazing day of firsts!!!!

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