Thursday, June 28, 2012


I started posting in my Autism Connections Support group Facebook page, then I realized this would make a good blog.  So, I'm here.  Its hard to post so often when there really isn't much going on in my life.  So when something different happens, I get excited.  Whether it will be good or bad, its still kind of exciting.

We leave tomorrow morning, 6am, for a day trip from hell.  We are moving my son, Steve, from Philadelphia to Brooklyn and then heading home.  Pitman has taken the day off of work at my request.  I knew he wouldn't have a problem with it.  See, he hates if I go on any adventure by myself.  I'm glad he's going because he's a bull moose when it comes to moving things (he picks things up and puts them down) and he'll insist on driving.  I'm not sure what bothers me more, though...  Riding with him while he drives in New York City, or driving his truck in NYC myself!!

You see, my Baby Boy has gone and gotten himself a job in New York City!!  He should be so proud of himself, because we are proud of him!!  He gets to leave Benny's, WaWa, Chilis, and all the other places behind him and enter the adult world of CAREER instead of job!!!  He has come a long way on a very difficult road, and this Mom couldn't be happier!!!

Regardless, it comes to about 12 hours in the car.  There is not enough ANYTHING to keep a kid occupied in a car for 12 hours.  Let alone an autistic kid.  I asked Rob last night how far he thinks we'll get before I'm ready to throw myself out of the moving truck.  He thinks I'll make it to the PA border, or at least out of the driveway.

As everyone knows, we've had some changes in our financial status, and money is very tight.  So I've informed my loved ones we'll be doing this trip in the Dunlap fashion.  Meaning we will NOT buy any food while we are out.  There is an exception...  if I'm able to conveniently get a Slurpee, we are stopping.  I love Slurpees.  I even have a song about how much I want them.  I will sing it to Pitman and he will roll his eyes.  But I think he secretly loves the songs I make up and sing to him.  ANYWAYS....  I have to get busy this morning making muffins to take with us for breakfast.  I need to make some extra to give to Steve, too.  I will also be making some Chocolate Chip cookies.  Then comes the sandwiches.  I informed Rob and Cassie that during the trip they WILL be referred to as "Eggie Weggie" and "Tuney Wooney".    That caused more giggling and eye rolling.  You guess which family member did what.  I did not tell them that I was not making the 3rd, and my favorite, "Hammy Wammy".  I've also decided to make an Italian Pasta Salad, because Cassie will eat that, too.  Then there is the cooler of ice water.  I go no where without my ice water, especially when we are looking at 90 degree weather with heat indexes.  

So, please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we embark on our own "Boilermaker Marathon" tomorrow.  I truly hope the Lord blesses us with a safe journey where I'm able to deal with 12 hours of being enclosed in a small box with Rob and Cassie, and that I really can make it out of the driveway without throwing myself out of the moving vehicle.

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