Sunday, March 4, 2012

I need to go pee in the woods.

Hope & I at BOW in 2008.
see?  not real photogenic.
Hi, my name is Lisa and I'm a Facebook addict.  Oh, you knew that already?  Great.  So this morning I see one of those inspirational pictures, and I knew I had to blog about it.  But first, let me tell you about BOW.  BOW stands for "Becoming an Outdoors Woman".  Its run by the DEC in NYS, and they are in most states.  It is a program that takes women into the woods and teaches them stuff they want to learn, from hunting & fishing to hiking and kayaking.  A few years ago, my sister and I went for the weekend and had a great time.  We also had quite the bonding experience and a few life realizations.  The one that sticks with me is the conversation we had about things that hold us back.  See, people will go for a week long hike or kayak trip.  It sounds like fun, but where do you potty?  Well, you have to go in the woods.  I have never pottied anywhere but a bathroom, and I wont use Porta-Potties (unless I'm really drunk and then I hold my breath and block out the experience).  And that's when it happened.  "You know, Big Sister", Hope says to me.  "That's pretty much our problem.  We are held back from so much because we wont pee in the woods."  Damn.  The airhead of the family has thoughts that run REAL deep.  But she's right.  And that's my problem and brings us to the picture I saw on Facebook this morning.

I am lazy.  I sit around doing nothing far too often.  I don't shop, I don't hobby, and I sure as hell do not pee in the woods.  Since she has peed in the woods, my Baby Sister (who you can follow at has dropped a ton of weight, quit smoking, and has run in plenty of 5 & 10k runs.  She's got HUGE goals and is making her way to each and every one of them.  She's freakin' amazing!!!  She is definitely my hero and inspiration.  But what do I do?  I sit at my computer and watch her. <sigh>  Then I see that picture on Facebook this morning and realize I am the problem.  I am the only one who can change anything.  But where to start?  Damn.  I am going to have to go pee in the woods.

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