Friday, March 16, 2012

It Must Be Some Sort of Record.....

The Cutest Cape Cod in the World!
One week ago, as I write this, I was finishing the packing up of the rental house in Liverpool.  It seems like months, but it was only a week.  Today my Dad, Fran, will be hooking up my new drier.  I will be doing a bit of running around this morning and then working on organizing my basement.  Organizing my basement?  Shouldn't that be the LAST of my moving in duties?  Why, yes, you are correct.  First is the kitchen, second is the living areas, and lastly the bedroom.  After all living quarters are done, then the secondary areas.  I put Pitman in charge of the garage.  AND, because I am DONE will all the living areas, I will be starting the basement today!!!  If I know me, and I'm pretty sure I do, I will have it done today.  So that will be me, completely moved in, in less than a weeks time!!  See?  It must be a record!!

I wont fool you, its not up to my specifications yet.  I need to pick up a few shelving units and I still need to hang my pictures.  But we must already be moved in if its time for Cassie to clean her room already.  Yeah, it needs some attention.  Speaking of Cassie, we finally got her into a school!!!  Cassie will be attending Clary Middle School, where the boys and girls are completely separated and they wear uniforms!!  So Cassie and I need to go shopping so she is ready for Monday.  I can't wait for Monday.  I love that girl, but I need a break!  What am I going to do this summer?
My Cute Parents!

So I must cut this short so I can get my running around done and be home when my Mommy & Daddy come to help me out again.  Aren't they the best?  I think so!!!  And they are cute, too.  Oh, and if you don't see a blog tomorrow, call the National Guard..... the basement is a bit scary!!!


  1. Yes the basement was the second place that got all the EXTRA S&!%!!!!!!!!!! Or Crap/crafts :) I got my workout on those darn stairs! excited that you have all the living areas my room ready? love you :D

  2. Good...when you are do ne you can come and help us move!! We are moving into Scott's Dad's house.Luckily we will be moving slowly as we won't put our h ouse on the market un til its com pletely empty!! Congratulations on your new house....tell Cassie I said hi!!
    Kathie Hikade
