Friday, March 9, 2012

K... so I lied.

I wasn't going to blog today, but decided why not?  I'm a fast blogger!  Besides, my people demand updates!!!  So, here's a news flash.  Pitman has earned his yellow belt AND got his new black karate gee!!!  Isn't he handsome?  BUT, because he was so excited to get the black gee, he had to wear it right away.  No, there is no flag, AND it wasn't previously washed.  So, he had to come home and shower because his new gee turned his body black.  And that bothered him, too.  Is the man ever happy?  hehehe  So, first order of business when we move is to sew the flag onto his gee.  I will be washing it before we move, as I'm not sure how long it will take to get my new washer and drier.
Robert & his Yellow Belt!

So, yesterday I packed up my bathroom, bedroom, office, kitchen & Living room.  This morning I will do Cassie's bedroom and bathroom.  I'm actually afraid of these two rooms.  Why?  Its Cassie.  'Nuff said.  After that, I really dont know.  Pitman is getting us phone & tv set up this morning, then goes to get the truck around 1.  My Mommy is coming to hang with Cassie while we go to the closing at 3:30.  Now, I know there are lots of people who might take advantage of a situation where they can get away from the kids for a while, but I'm not one of them.  So, when my mother asked me if I was going to get Cassie before we head to the new house to put paper down (to save the floor from the movers), my sarcastic talents came out in full force.  I replied, "no, see, I figured we go to the new house with a take out lobster dinner, roll out the paper, christen the house, take a nap, and then come back to the house and relieve you of Cassie duty. We should be back about 7. You dont mind, right?"  Actually, I've had people do ridiculous things, extending the time I have to watch their kids.  Most of the time I dont mind, I just want them to be up front about it. But I know my Mom, and I wouldn't do that to her!

Ok.  So its time to get off and get busy.  I honestly dont think I will be back until I get internet service at the new house..... but you never can tell.  McDonalds has free WiFi, after all... and so do most libraries!!  Until then, keep it sarcastic.  People might be irritated, but its a lot of fun for us!!

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