Friday, February 8, 2013

What if....

One of my homeschooling mentors, who goes by the pen-name "Ellie Mae", shared a statement from Operation Christmas Child on Facebook this morning.  It really got me thinking.  Before I expand on my thoughts, I want to say that I LOVE the name "Ellie Mae"!!  It brings on thoughts and images of a sweet lady in skirts, working her land, teaching her kids, and loving her Lord.  I really don't know my "Ellie Mae" in person, but I'm certain that is exactly who she is.  Yes.  I know her real name, but I can't bring myself to use it.  I know a person with that same name who I feel is a poser.  Someone who WANTS to be an Ellie Mae, but can't seem to get her crap together long enough to actually BE an Ellie Mae!  In case you read this, Ellie Mae, you and Donna are much more than my mentors....  you are also my heroes!!!!

ANYWAYS, I love Operation Christmas Child.  Its from an awesome group called Samaritan's Purse.  When I was in the Hudson Valley, our church youth group did a lot of fundraising for them.  I hope they still do.  (You can check them out on the web at  The question posed was this:  "What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?"  My original knee jerk reaction was "OH CRAP!!!"  But then I thought more.

Yesterday I thought about a friend who is going through some very hard times.  I took a moment to thank the Lord for being with me through my hard times, and not giving up on me when I gave up on Him.

Yesterday, I think an internet friend of mine was mourning the anniversary of the loss of their child.  I thanked the Lord for the lives of my 3 kids, even if I cant see two of them as often as I'd like.

At one point, yesterday, I angrily decided to make cheeseburger macaroni for dinner.  Then realized that Pitman wouldn't care.  He likes it, so does Cassie.  I took a moment to thank the Lord for my husband.  I could have ended up with one who is an uptight perfectionist who expects the same from me.

Also, I took a handful of chocolate chips....  stress eating, bad juju... but I said "mmmm  Thank you, GOD, for chocolate!!"

During grace, I say the same thing over and over again.  "Thank you, Lord, for this meal and all of the other blessings you have provided for us.  We ask that you continue to watch over all of us, (I sometimes add "especially" when someone is in need), including those who aren't here at your table, bless us, lead us, and guide us, and let Your will be done."  Then I pass it on to Robert.  Cassie starts.  This is my attempt at family prayer time.  Its not Ellie Mae, but its all I've got.

So, it looks like I would have just as much today as I had yesterday.  But I plan to keep this in mind.  I'm also going to make sure I remember to thank the Lord for peanut butter.  I must have all my bases covered.....