Thursday, January 24, 2013

Special Education: Its like comparing Apples to... umm.. Androids.

As all my friends know, I'm immersed in a strange world called Autism.  I thought I knew a lot about it, but I have learned so much more.  I was considered a "Great TA" in my time in public schools... but I wish I knew then what I know now.  The most important lesson is that people on the ASD spectrum can NOT think and feel at the same time.  So, when I'm having an intense discussion with Pitman, and I ask him how he feels about something, he truly does NOT know!  Why?  He's too busy thinking to access his feelings.

Recently, I was given the computer analogy that people with Autism have a different operating system than people who aren't.  The more I've thought of it, I realized its even more than that.  Its a-whole-other proprietary hardware system, also!  What does that mean?  Let me explain it to you.

The Autie's brain is physically different from NT's.  (Autie= my term for people with Autism, NT=Neuro-Typical or simply everyone else)  The nerve thingies that send messages through out the brain (mainly front to back) do not have as many connections as a "normal" brain.  Yes, the messages may eventually get to where they are going, but it will take longer and the message might get a little messed up.  So, its not about running a Windows 8 program on a Windows XP, its actually more like trying to run Microsoft Word for XP on a Macintosh.

Wait, Lisa, you are talking nonsense!!  You can't do that!!


And Special Education needs to realize that.  Everything from teaching to discipline MUST be different for Auties than it is for the mainstream.  These kids need to learn not only academics, but how to interface in an Android world.  It sounds like an impossible task, but its one that every Autie Mommy (and wife) has taken on to ensure the success of our loved ones.

Wow.  We are taking on a task that Bill Gates and Steve Jobs couldn't even do.  Yes, we ARE amazing.  And the chances of any of us becoming millionaires is slim.  

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