Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patricks Day!!!!

Me & My Crazy Hat
Yes, I love St. Patricks Day!!!  I have never celebrated it as a falling down drunk fest.  I celebrate it as being proud of my heritage.  I am mainly a mix of Irish, and Scottish Welsh.  I've also found out that Chiari is more prominent with the celtic race.  Yes, its not just a nationality, it is a race.  I am so tempted to start writing in Irish when forms ask me what my race is.  My nationality is American, but they never ask me that.  Here's a question for you....  if they want us to all be color blind and not notice any ones race, sex, or gender, why do they keep asking those questions on every freakin' form I see?  But, again, I got distracted.  I must push forward, because there is a point here.

Please remember I homeschool and we had a blast with today's celebration!!  We made these little "LUCK" booklets.  You open the "L", and you can see stuff about the why and how we celebrate (never once mentioning over-usage of ale), you lift the U page and see stuff on the "C" page.  Well, on the "K" page, it asks a question.  "What makes you feel lucky".  WOW!!!!  I'm used to writing why I'm thankful at Thanksgiving, what I want for Christmas, and even love poems for Valentines Day.  Never thought of being LUCKY on St. Patricks Day!!  After I thought about it, I had to put down that I feel lucky every time I look at my handsome husband and 3 wonderful children!!

My "LUCK" book!!!!

So, I pose that question to you.  What makes you feel lucky?

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