Friday, August 12, 2011

Hello Internet World!

My little sister, Hope Amber of "Seriously Hope" said I needed to get a blog.  She feels I'm a good, witty, writer.  I decided, what the hell.  Its not like I have anything better to do with my time.  I should take my first blog and introduce myself, but I have found that too much of me at any one time is NOT a good thing, so we'll take it slow, as not to scare anyone off. 

I will start by saying I'm 44 years old, married with 3 kids, only one of them at home.  I guess I do a good job (or bad job) raising kids and the older two are independent and on their own. The last one is home, 11, and on the Autism Spectrum. 

In April of this year, I moved from a very affluent part of the Hudson Valley into Hell, I mean Suburbia, when my husband (employed by Verizon) got a transfer that made me very happy.  Now that I'm back in Central New York, I'm closer to most family and friends!!  But "Development Life" is not for me.  I'm sure you'll hear more about that in blogs to come.  Four months later and now Hubby is on strike.  You will find out that my groom is a great source of amusement and frustration for me. 

So, the goal of my blog is to take you all on a magical adventure of my life, as I continue the quest to find who I am and what I want to be when I grow up.  All I know right now is that I do NOT want to be a medical insurance claim processor or any kind of salesman.  I found out long ago that I couldn't sell a space heater to an Eskimo. 

So, to quote my dad, Fran, "Get In, Sit Down, and Shut Up" 'cause we're in for one hell of a ride!!

I told the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so, HELP ME, God!!
                                           Lisa DeFlamingos

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