Friday, March 2, 2012

And then there were three.....

Its official.  Everyone in the household has come down with the bug.  After a whole hour of sleep, I got woken up to "MOOOOOOOoooooommmmmm!!!!!!!!  Then I got yelled at because she hollered for me 3 times before I came.  Oh, I'm sorry Cassie, but there are these things called SLEEP and MY BED which sometimes causes me not to jump at the first sound.  Speaking of my bed, I hope Pitman enjoyed it while I was up with Cassie.  Around 1am I took my pillow, my nap blanket and my dog and laid down on the couch.  I got to stay that way until 4am for round 2.  But she's cute.  She keeps apologizing for waking me up.  She doesn't need to, especially since she made it to the bathroom each and every time, and I had no disgusting messes to clean up!!  That makes the lack of sleep 100% worth it!!!

Cassie, before 'The Crud", putting her faith in her mask and Lysol.
They were no match for the germs circulating in this house.
What I dont understand is how she has the energy to bop around this morning.  She's running a fever of 99.8 and is still 100% Cassie.  It took me 2 days to be able to walk around, and it'll probably take Pitman longer.  Cassie?  "Oh, my tummy still hurts, but I'm fine now!"  I am so waiting to hear her start to complain that the Lysol didn't work.  I'm expecting her to throw it away and tell me we have to write the company and complain.

So, now that the worst is over, and everyone is on the mend, there is just one thing going on in the minds of all of us.  WHEN THE HELL DO WE GET TO MOVE?!?!?!!?

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