Saturday, March 24, 2012

Q&A Time!!

I decided I would take today and go into my mail bag and answer all your questions about my transcription job. I receive many questions about this subject and think it might be easier to answer them all right here.  So, here it goes.

Q.  So, you are a transcriptionist?  And you work from HOME?  Cool!!  Can you get me into that?

A.  I would LOVE to get you into it.  As a matter of fact, I would like to be able to get every member of my friends and family the ability to pay all their bills and put money away so we can rent a Carnival Cruise ship for a month and just have at it!!  But, alas, I can not.  I have one client that I was lucky to fall in with.  I have been to a few places like and looked at bidding on jobs, but I haven't done that yet.  Why?  I don't like slave labor and have been spoiled rotten by my "Boss".

Q. So you do medical stuff?

A. No, actually, but I could.  With my many years experience with the Ambulance and Medical Claims Processing, I very easily could do medical transcription, but I don't.  I work for a gaming journalist by transcribing his interviews for a monthly article in "Gamasutra".  If you are interested, here is a link to the article that came out last month.

Q. So, what are you working on this month?

A.  I'd like to tell you all, but then I'd have to kill you.  Just like medical transcription, everything I do is strictly confidential... until the article comes out.  I pride myself on credibility and confidentiality.

Q.  Have you ever missed a deadline?

A.  Hell no.  There was one month where I didn't have the chance to review them for perfection, and I sent them out anyways.  But I explained that to my "Boss" and refused to bill him for that month.  We argued over it, but I won.

Q. What is the funniest thing you transcribed?

A. Well, there was this one file from a guy from Japan.  He was sitting at a table with about 5 other Japanese guys.  He spoke very minimal English and very hard to figure out what he was saying... especially since he'd say something in almost-English and then all the guys would start arguing in Japanese, and he'd come back on in pseudo-English and change what he said.  Then there was the guy from France.  I let Cassie listen to it and she told me to tell my "Boss" that I couldn't be expected to do this file because the guy was too Frenchy.

Q. Do you enjoy transcription?

A. Nobody in their right mind enjoys transcription.  It actually puts me to sleep.  There are some enjoyable aspects.  All the articles are about gaming, so I end up having to do a LOT of research to make sure I'm spelling things right.  I'm also learning a LOT of new words that I never knew existed.  Heck, I'm learning a LOT of words that spell check doesn't even know exists... like "Monetization".

I think that about covers today's Q&A session.  I'm thinking about hitting my mail bags more often, after all, my people demand answers, and I have an answer for everything!!!

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