Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Lisa vs the Weed

A long time ago I saw a Tom Hanks movie called "Joe vs. the Volcano".  I have no clue what it was about, and it was so bad I don't remember if I finished watching it or not.  All I know is that stupid movie comes to mind when I'm battling an in adamant object.  I do this quite often and I admit I only win about 1/2 the time.  But that doesn't stop me from taking on these battles.  They are usually the most hard fought ones in the world.  And I do not know why that is.  But, truth be told, there are few battles that give the satisfaction as beating a battle against Mother Nature!!!!

That being said, I'm fighting a weed.  Not just any weed, the Godzilla of weeds!  I know this is true because this weed has emerged from my blacktopped driveway.  Do you know how strong this weed must be to actually grow THROUGH blacktop?  And it just kept pushing its way up until it popped the blacktop aside, and then kept growing.  And its got to be one of those weeds that multiply from the stringers coming off its roots.  Why is that?  because now the bastard has some friends pushing up!!

So, I got some heavy duty weed & brush killer.  This stuff will kill weeds straight down to the roots!!  Its so deadly, it will even kill poison ivy!!  I went out yesterday to spray the offending foliage and the nozzle wouldn't spray.  So I opened it up and just poured weed killer on it.  So I go out this morning, expecting carnage, and what do I find?

It has grown!!!  And so has it's buddies!!!  I had to reread the bottle to make sure I used weed KILLER and not weed FERTILIZER!!  It really said killer.  So, if it doesn't look any more dead tomorrow, I'm not fooling around.  I'm going straight for the gasoline!!  Its easier for me to battle a foe if it has a name.  I've decided to call him Seymour.

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