Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I'm Still Amazing

Sorry for the lack of posts, but its been a bit chaotic here.  I'll only tell you of a few things, as not to blow your minds.  First of all, the first step in personalizing my new home has been made.  We've added an American Flag!  See, when I was growing up, it was important to my first Dad (CWO4 Robert Dunlap, PA,Retired Navy) to have a flag outside the front door.  It always made our house feel like home to me.  So I've always put one out at my own home, too.  So, its officially my home now!!!

Before I go any further, I know you are all worried about Pitman, so I will let you know that this morning I finally sewed the American Flag patch on his new Black Karate Uniform.

Yesterday was Cassie's first day at Clary Middle School.  She didn't want to go.  She didn't want to wear her uniform and she didn't want to leave her Mommy.  Its not easy having an 11 1/2 year old daughter who STILL has separation anxiety.  But, she went.  We entered the school and they put us in a conference room to wait for her guidance counselor.  Well, she started to lose it and I did Mommy Things to try to help.  We looked at the picture and I found some items I really don't agree with.  Look at the picture with the leprechaun.  Can you tell me whats wrong with this?  I'll tell you.....  HE'S SMOKING IN SCHOOL!!!!  We all know there is no smoking on school grounds.  Then there is the picture of the "School Wide Expectations".  This one upset me the most.  We have rules in our house... and this goes against everything I've ever taught my family.  Hell, everyone knows its SAFETY FIRST!!!!  Not FOURTH!!!  I'm not sure whats wrong with these people.  Cassie, however, ended up having a good day.  She was a bit perplexed though, because evidently not only is there a girl with cancer in her homeroom and 1st two periods, but she's also the "only white kid".  But she's ok with that.  What a trooper!!  Oh, and I let her take a picture of me while we waited.  I included it only because my friends Jess and Jenn will be very happy to see my hair down.  But that is a subject for another blog.

So, now I must quickly clean up my house because I'm having company.  My Mom and my 2nd Mother while growing up, Gert (or Ma Jones), will be coming to see my new house and the cat box stinks.  The basement is still in quite a disarray because I haven't gotten back down there, and I just realized I haven't had breakfast.  After they visit, we are going to the Christmas Tree Shop where I can (and will) spend Pitman's money on a bunch of crap I think I need for the house.  Then Pitman will buy us all lunch at Jake Haefner's.  Good times for all!!!  Well, all except Pitman who needs to be at work so I can do things like this!!!

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