Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Oh, That Pitman.....

I had all intentions of writing a glowing blog on how great Robert is and how you all should feel sorry for him.  See, he tries, really hard.  But he has so much going against him.  No, its not his Autism, like you'd think.  See, Pitman has the joy of living with 2 women.  One is just entering womanhood and all of the joys that come with budding female hormones.  Very difficult for any man.  But Pitman has it worse.  He also has a woman at the end of her womanhood, entering Menopause and entering Crone-hood.  And all the joys that come with that.  The poor man doesn't know if he's coming or going most days, but he still sticks it out.  Maybe he's actually lucky to be Autistic at this point and time.  Chances are he won't truly notice the immense hatred we feel for him... followed by the sheer joy of his existence.  Oh, he can't escape it all, so I was planning to ask you all for your pity of Robert.  Until we were cleaning up from dinner.

See, I had to see a Diabetes Specialist today, because I have uncontrolled diabetes due to the fact that I've been in denial since I got my diagnosis in, I think, 2003.  I would tell you how many years ago, but that would be math, and I'm boycotting math.  ANYWAYS, I go in there and my specialist, Jean Kelley (if it was spelled with a G, I'd be more excited) starts to explain some things to me.  She stated I needed to start taking an asprin a day in order to thin my blood enough to *hopefully* keep me from having a heart attack or stroke.  This wasn't bad enough.  She also said I was middle-aged.  She said this 4 times.  I counted.  ME??!?!?  MIDDLE-AGED?!?!?!?!?  This can't be right.  My MOTHER is middle aged!!!  Not me!!  But she said I was, 4 times.  4.

I was telling Pitman about this.  I don't know why.  I should know better.  Especially after I informed him I found it offensive and asked him "wouldn't you feel the same way?"  Bless his little heart... he thought about the answer to that one.  Then the idiot gave his response of "Well, not if its true."  The bastard thinks I'm middle-aged too!!!!

So, no pity is allowed for Pitman.  He deserves everything he gets from the lovely women in his life.

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