Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Super Laundry Mom's Mission to Save the World!!

I used to say that I didn't have a lot of friends.  That's just my poor self-esteem talking.  I decided to sit down and think about what a friend really is, and I realized I have a lot of friends.  Its funny, but there are many I haven't actually met face to face, but I still consider them my friends.  They come to me for help, and that means a lot.  I know how difficult it is to ask for help, but its nice to know there are people you can count on when you are in a bind.  Oh, and if you don't ask for help often, you get to use the sentence "You know how I never ask for help?" and then your buddy now has an obligation.    I like to help people.  I'm a people helper.  Some people would say I was a people pleaser, and Joyce Meyer (awesome Christian Minister and Author) has a book to help me.  But I'm in denial and do not want help.  I see no problem with what I do.

I have a bunch of friends in different situations, and I've really tried to help.  I see them as a run-away train headed toward a tall, tall bridge, with a broken track.  I can picture whats going to happen, and the sight isn't pretty.  I don't know WHEN its going to happen.  I might be able to figure it out, but that would be math, and we all know how I feel about math....  So, my mother spoke sharply at me in an "instant message" saying that I can't save the world.

Lets talk about how much I love, respect, and admire my Mom.  She took care of 2 kids on 39 cents a week after expenses, while my Dad was in Antarctica.  Sure, I didn't get ice cream nightly, but I also didn't realize the awesome feat she managed.  My Mom took the time to instill important life lessons that have really helped mold who her children are today.  Messages like "Nice people do NOT throw knives at posters of rubber chickens!!" is probably the one lesson that nobody in our family will forget.  But she can't always be right, right?  I mean, after all, she also said "Lisa, not everybody is going to like you".  This just doesn't not make sense to me.  After all, I'm a freakin' SWEETHEART!!  Why would there be anyone out there who DOESN'T LIKE ME?!?!!!??!?  So, when she stated, oh so sharply, in her instant message "Lisa, you can't save the world", I can't help but wonder if she's wrong again.

After all, I am Super Laundry Mom!!!  I can do ANYTHING!!!  Right?  Ok, so maybe not right.  I can make this promise, though, that even though I may warn you about the broken train track on the Mount Everest of bridges, and you ignore me, I will still be there when the inevitable happens.  I wont know what to do but be there, but be there I will.  And I will bring a casserole.  Casserole and some cuppy cakes.  Casseroles and Cuppy Cakes make everything better, right?

1 comment:

  1. Casseroles, cuppy cakes...........and wine. don't forget the wine. :)
