Tuesday, December 13, 2011

13 Days to Go

Today we had Cassie's Winter Concert.  The chorus did a medley of Disney songs.  The band did a bunch of stuff.  Rob and I were happy we made it home in time for NCIS.  My awesome parenting skills are obviously rubbing off on Rob.  I'm really hoping people will overlook these instances and I will eventually win Mother of the Year.  See, as much as I joke around about never being voted Mother of the Year, I still think it would be cool to do so.  But days like these aren't going to get me there.  It started when she woke me up at 4:30 this morning, and I told her to go watch a movie.  I thought about getting up with her, I really did.  Then the alarm went off at 5:30, and Rob got up and got in the shower.  I thought about it again, knowing Cassie was up.  But then Rob turned on the light, meaning its time for me to get up so he can make the bed.  Cassie then said "GOOD MORNING!!  Is everyone dressed?" and she came into our room wanting to talk.  I growled and told her to go away on my way to the restroom.  She said "Oh, I thought you were awake!"  I'm thinking no, I'm getting out of bed.  Awake wont happen until after that first cup of coffee.

Cassie already for her concert!
I had a very productive day, finishing the projects I was working on.  Then I secured the plans for the puppies as we are going away this weekend.  No, I'm not afraid of posting that here.  I just hope that which ever of my readers decide to break into my humble home and rob me blind, also takes the stupid cats, too.  The only things that really mean anything to me, that I would die if they were stolen from me, will be with me in Philly, or at my friends Ben & Gary's houses.  But even THAT statement wont get me Mother of the Year this year, because I've been very bad.  Just today I had to tell Cassie that menstruation is NOT an excuse to miss anything, even Karate.  See?  Bad Mommy.  But, in my defense, I'm usually provoked.  For instance, just the other day she was using my laptop while I was finishing up "Breaking Dawn".  I finished the book, and just stared at Rob.  He asked me whats wrong and I told him I was bored.  He laughed.  I then told Cassie when she was done with the show she was watching, I'd like my computer back.  She asked why and I told her I was bored.  Her response?  "Well, cant you go do some laundry or something?"  SEE?!?!?  I'm definitely provoked regularly. 

We ended tonight with a quickly read, and sometimes edited Story and Chocolate. Tomorrow I have to read "The Little Match Girl".  I hate that story.  It makes me cry, which makes Rob laugh at me.  When Rob laughs at me for stupid reasons like that, it makes me want to kick him in the shin.  This is probably why I wont win Wife of the Year, either.  At least not until his shins are no longer bruised.

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