Thursday, December 22, 2011

4 Days until Christmas!

As you may remember, we are in the process of becoming homeless.  But today we went to see a house that we can rent until we can get a stinkin' mortgage.  Now, you may think that is not a bad thing.  However, its very overwhelming.  See, the house is still full of everything that the owner had in it when he moved his mother to his house.  She even left some clothes, family pictures, mugs, plates, and sausage in the freezer.  The living room is tiny, the dining room to die for, and the kitchen is an open canvas.  Its interesting to get to the huge family room in the basement (and the laundry room) but there is a fireplace and 2 pianos.  So I'm trying to decide if I want to take on what could be a lucrative challenge.  But that isn't stressful enough.  I still have to deal with my family and Christmas being 4 days away.

So, on our way to see the house, Pitman and I stopped by the Onondaga Smoke Shop.  I know, nasty habit, gonna kill me, but if I stop smoking I may start drinking heavily.  So he comes out and gets in the car and said "I'm so frustrated".  Whats wrong, Honey?  "Well, I didn't know if I should wish them a Merry Christmas or not.  Do Indians celebrate Christmas?  I didn't think they were Jewish and all, but, I mean, are they anarchists?"  Anarchists Dear?  "Wait... no..  I think I mean Atheists.  What is an anarchist, anyway?"  Umm.. someone who doesn't celebrate government and causes a lot of trouble.  "Well, they are that, too."  HAHAHAHAHAH  I love my Pitman conversations!!  They are usually as equally as entertaining as my Cassie conversations.

For instance, she had karate tonight.  She wanted to do karate.  We signed her up at school for a trial, and she decided she wanted to sign up for real.  Now she swears she wanted nothing to do with it, she hates karate, its boring, and a waste of her time when she could be doing other things like watching tv and singing and dancing all over my house.  Go to karate, Cassie....  Mommy could stand 45 minutes of playing "Angry Birds".  So, in the car on the way to karate she informs me that she's not going back to karate for 2 weeks.  When school starts back up she's taking another week off.  I told her no, because thats what I do.  Then she starts arguing and I ask if we can argue about this next week.  She said no, that she wanted to argue it now.  I told her fine, but I will not be participating.  That kind of ticked her off.  I mean what fun is arguing alone?  So, she matter of fact tells me "That is because you are a poopy-head."  I cant really yell at her... I call everyone poopy-heads.  "Poopy-head, Poopy-head.  I'm talking poop...and pee....on...  your...  HEAD!"  Well, I'm not made of steal and I start to giggle.  But I did apologize.  "Sorry I laughed, Cass, but that was quite funny!"  She looked very indignant at my confession.  I'm really starting to think she may be an anarchist. 

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