Sunday, December 11, 2011

15 Days to Go

I amaze myself.  I do it a lot, actually.  I really don't know how I do what I do.  But I do it.  So, you've been with me, daily, from the first of December.  Well, on the first of December I also started reading the :Twilight Series".  You've seen all I've done.  With everything I've described, I also just finished the last book, "Breaking Dawn", 10 days later.  Now, if it weren't for all the Christmas stuff and the Princess Dress, I probably would have finished sooner.  Rob asked me what I planned on doing now.  I told him I planned to have a life.  <sigh>  What I really meant was I planned on finding a new book series.  Any suggestions?

In the meantime, let me fill you in on our day!  Well, I started out by sleeping in.  I liked that.  Cassie and I then did some painting.  I like to stock up on things to paint, its nice, fun, relaxing.  Today we were painting little wooden Christmas items.  I learn a lot while painting with Cassie.  "Hey, MOM!!  Did you know I can hold the "E" in my name?  Watch this!!! CASSIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!"  I'm pretty sure that the note she chose to sing was an F SharpFlat.  Then she tried to hold the "S", but that didn't work so well.  I think it hurt me more than the 10 minute "E".  But she was having fun.  We also have a lot of heart to heart talks during our quiet time.  She really opens up to me.  "Mom?  On Christmas, when you open your present from me?  Can I use it sometimes?"  This question really piqued my interest.  See, Daddy was out shopping for me for Christmas, and they had decided what he was going to get for her to give to me.  He even called to let her know he got it.  So, I had to ask him if I would let her sometimes use the present she was giving me for Christmas.  "Yeah, probably."  Then I had to take it one step further and ask if she was going to get more use out of it than I will.  To that I got a hearty laugh and the same reply of "Yeah, probably".

After painting, we cleaned up the kitchen and made our famous Snickerdoodle cookies.  We put some away to take to Steve and I even put some away for my Mother-in-Law, Phyllis.  They are her favorite cookie, and the only thing she feels I do right.  I can't help myself.  I need to make others happy.  I'm such a sap.

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